CNRS Research Director, Director of ICS, Strasbourg
Conference Starts in:
University of Strasbourg, CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron, UPR 22, Strasbourg, France
Over the last decade, the generation of organic porous (nano)materials with tunable pore sizes and desired functionalities has been the subject of increasing attention in materials science. Interest in such porous frameworks originates from the large variety of sustainable applications in which they are involved, e.g. monoliths for advanced chromatographic techniques, nanofiltration membranes, high specific area catalytic supports, as well as 3-D scaffolds for tissue engineering [1-6].
This lecture highlights the scope and limitations of three different approaches toward porous polymers with controlled morphology and functionality at different length scales. The first approach relies on the synthesis of diblock copolymers with functional groups at the junction between both blocks, followed by their macroscopic orientation, and the subsequent selective removal of the sacrificial minority block to afford ordered nanoporous materials with channels lined with chemically accessible functionalities (e.g., COOH, SO3H, SH, COH) [1,2]. The second strategy entails the preparation of functional doubly porous polymer networks through the use two distinct types of porogen templates, namely a macroporogen in combination with a nanoporogen. To generate the macroporosity, either NaCl particles or fused PMMA beads or Nylon® threads are used, while the lower porosity level is obtained by using a porogenic solvent [3,4]. Finally, 3-D macroporous scaffolds based on biodegradable polyesters have been engineered by electrospinning to generate nanofibrous biomaterials as tissue engineering scaffolds or wound dressings. The potentialities afforded by these approaches will be addressed, and some typical applications of the resulting porous materials will be illustrated [5,6].
Poupart,R.; Grande,D.; Carbonnier, B.; Le Droumaguet, B. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2019, 96, 21-42. Le Droumaguet, B.; Grande, D. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 58023-58040.
Mezhoud, S.; Le Droumaguet, B.; Aimedieu, P.; Monchiet, V.; Bornert, M.; Grande, D. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2021, 299, 537-550. Srikanthan, V.; Pitois, O.; Coussot, P.; Le Droumaguet, B.; Grande, D. Polymers 2021, 13, 2692. Villareal-Gomez, L. J.; Cornejo-Bravo, J. M.; Vera-Graziano, R.; Grande, D. J. Biomater. Sci., Polym. Ed. 2016, 27, 157-176. Rodríguez-Tobías, H.; Morales, G.; Grande, D. Mater. Sci. Eng. C 2019, 101, 306-322.A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!
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