Information about the different format of presentation:
The oral sessions will be on-site only
The poster sessions will be on-site only. The accepted format for a poster is A0, landscape or portrait. The presenters will be given a posterboard number and day and time when they must be present in front of their poster. The poster will be displayed during the whole conference.
Submission Guidelines:
These guidelines apply to both talk and poster submissions. Please note the specific differences where indicated.
Abstract Requirements:
Maximum length: 500 words
Include title, authors, affiliations, and keywords
Clearly state the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions
You can download the Abstract's template here.
Presentation Format:
Talks: 15-minute oral presentation + 5 minutes for questions and discussion
Posters: Size 36″ x 48″ (91cm x 122cm), portrait orientation
Required Information:
Presenter's full name and contact information
Academic/professional affiliation
Brief biography (100 words max for talks, 50 words max for posters)
Audio/visual requirements (for talks only)
Selection Process:
Proposals will be reviewed by the symposium committee
Acceptance notifications will be sent by the end of March
Session Allocation:
The scientific committee will determine the scheduling of each talk and poster session
Presentations will be grouped into thematic sessions based on content and relevance
The final program with session allocations will be communicated to presenters during May
Presenters are expected to be available for the entire duration of the symposium
Poster Session:
Date and time: To be determined
Presenters must be available to discuss their posters during the designated session
Multiple Submissions:
Participants may submit one talk and one poster proposal
If both are accepted, the participant must choose one
For any questions or concerns, please contact the symposium organizers at